Monday 31 October 2011

Maintaining a Healthy Blood Pressure:Fighting Heart Disease

High blood pressure (HBP) is a serious condition that can lead to coronary heart disease (also called coronary artery disease), heart failure, stroke, kidney failure, and other health problems. According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control), one out of three U.S. adults (31.3%) has HPB. High blood pressure was the primary or contributing cause of death for 326,000 Americans in 2006. In 2010, high blood pressure cost the United States $76.6 billion in health care services, medications, and missed days of work. 25% of American adults have prehypertension (PHT) (blood pressure numbers that are higher than normal, but not yet in the HBP range. PHT raises your risk for high blood pressure). HBP has been labeled as the silent killer, due to the fact that there are no warning signs or symptoms for this disease. Most people are not aware that they have high blood pressure until it's too late.
BP is written as two numbers. The first (systolic) number represents the pressure in your blood vessels when your heart beats. The second (diastolic) number represents the pressure in your vessels when your heart rests between beats.
BP Levels:
Normal systolic: less than 120 mmHgdiastolic: less than 80mmHg
At risk (prehypertension) systolic: 120-139 mmHgdiastolic: 80-89 mmHg
High systolic: 140 mmHg or higherdiastolic: 90 mmHg or higher
The exact causes of HBP remain unknown; however, a number of factors are believed to contribute to this deadly disease. Several factors and conditions may play a role in its development, including:
• smoking
• Being overweight or obese
• Lack of physical activity
• Too much salt in the diet
• Too much alcohol consumption (more than 1 to 2 drinks per day)
• Stress
• Older age
• Genetics
• Family history of high blood pressure
• Chronic kidney disease
• Adrenal and thyroid disorders
Who Is More Likely to Develop HBP?
• People with family members who have HBP.
• People who smoke.
• African-Americans.
• Women who are pregnant.
• Women who take birth control pills.
• People over the age of 35.
• People who are overweight or obese.
• People who are not active.
• People who drink alcohol excessively.
• People who eat too many fatty foods or foods with too much salt.
The best approach to fighting HBP is prevention. Watching your diet, getting plenty of exercising, limiting stress (See our article GABA: The Natural Alternative to Benzodiazepines), adequate sleep, normal weight, and not smoking (or quitting).
HBP does not discriminate against age. Hypertension in children is hard to diagnose due to the fluctuation in their BP as they grow. Children with hypertension tend to have underlying medical conditions. However, close to 19% of young adults may have high blood pressure, and just half of them are aware of it despite this condition's strong link to heart attack and stroke risk, according to a new study.
"There is a sleeping epidemic among young adults," says study researcher Kathleen Mullan Harris, PhD, the interim director of the University of North Carolina's Carolina Population Center in Chapel Hill. "We tend to think of them as a rather healthy group, but a prevalence of 19% with hypertension is alarming."
Aside from the health risks associate with HBP, medical costs are another side effect of this deadly disease. As stated above, HBP cost the United States $76.6 billion dollars in medical costs. The average cost of care for a patient up to 90 days after suffering a stroke is $15,000. Heart attacks on average can cost as much as $250,000 (without surgery).
Again, prevention is the key. There are numerous things that can be done to prevent HBP such as:
• Changes in diet (limiting salt, fats, cholesterol, refined sugars, and increasing fiber intake)
• Daily exercise (at least 20 minutes daily)
• Shedding excess pounds (avoid diet pills, instead increase exercise, see changes in diet above)
• Ceasing smoking (smoking can greatly increase your risk of heart attack and stroke, as well as increase blood pressure)
• Getting adequate sleep (at least 8 hours per night)
• Reducing stress (stress plays a major role in developing high blood pressure)
• Ceasing or reducing alcohol consumption (less than 1 - 2 daily, limit alcoholic beverages to a few per week at most)
• Yoga
• Meditation
• Listening to soothing music
• All natural supplementation
There are numerous prescription drugs on the market which help control high blood pressure, but these are expensive, dangerous, and have a substantial list of side effects ranging from minor to severe, including stroke and death, which is the very reason for wanting to lower your blood pressure. All natural supplementation removes the possibility of these deadly side effects and of harmful toxicity caused by their chemical makeup. However, if you are currently taking ACE inhibitors for HBP, talk to your doctor about natural health alternatives. Never stop taking any medication before seeking medical advice.
Natural supplementation can be as simple as supplementing with potassium, magnesium, calcium, and many other vitamins, minerals, and herbs. There are numerous blends available that include several natural necessities to help reduce or maintain a normal BP. Some of the most trusted blends include: Michael's Blood Pressure Factors, and New Chapter Blood Pressure Take Care, just to name a few.
While supplementation can help lower high or maintain normal blood pressure numbers, the most important thing to do is exercise daily, eat a more balanced healthy diet, and reduce stress, just to name a few.
The importance of maintaining a normal blood pressure or lowering high blood pressure cannot be stressed enough. Be sure to monitor your blood pressure regularly. Home BP monitors are available for under $50, such as Panasonic EW3106W Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor (White), Omron BP629 Intellisense Advanced Averaging 60 Memory Wrist Blood Pressure Monitor Bundle, and many more.
Take back control of your health by learning more about natural health alternatives today.
Robert Pugh is the webmaster/owner of The Rx Alternative, a website devoted to home remedies, green products, and natural health alternatives to prescription drugs. Through The Rx Alternative Robert speaks out against prescription drugs and their overuse, abuse, addiction, toxicity, deadly side effects, and the manner in which they are overly prescribed, even when not needed.

Women - 3 Simple Health Tips

There are three basic areas when it comes to women's health and wellness. Women wish to enjoy good health, reduce their weight and have a shapely body. We will address all three issues briefly.
1. Health - Freedom from Chronic inflammation
Studies are beginning to suggest that chronic inflammation could be the root cause of a surprising number of health conditions like heart disease, arthritis, irritable bowel syndrome, eczema, asthma and a number of other diseases. Nutritional imbalance in the body caused by chronic inflammation seems to be the main mechanism that gives rise to a number of these health complications. Researchers are also of the opinion that treating chronic inflammation could restore nutritional balance, which in turn would cure most of the symptoms.
The nutritional imbalance in the body centers around the essential fatty acids omega 3 and omega 6. The term 'essential' is used to indicate that these acids are vital to the body, even though the body does not synthesize them on its own. Our bodies need to get these essential fatty acids through our diet. For optimum health, the omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids need to maintain a ratio of 1:1. Mankind has thrived on a healthy diet in the past where fish, wild game, flax and walnuts were sources of omega 3, and chicken, olives, pumpkin seed and hemp seed were sources of omega 6 acids.
Industrialization, packaging and refining of foods in recent times have thrown the fatty acid ratio out of balance to 1:10 in most people and sometimes as high as 1:20 in certain individuals. The high concentration of omega 6 acids is believed to excite the cells in the body, causing them to produce inflammation. Studies have also shown that restoring balance to the body causes a noticeable decrease in the symptoms and a possible cure.
Fish oil seems to be the main ingredient that helps in restoring this balance. Including fish oil containing omega 3 acids to restore balance to the body is the best strategy to fight chronic inflammation and most of the associated diseases that come along with it.
2. Weight Loss through diet supplements
Weight Loss is another important area in the quest for health and wellness for women. Fortunately, there are food supplements like Meratol which can help women lose weight effectively. Meratol uses a four step approach towards weight loss. First, it reduces a person's appetite. Secondly, it reduces the absorption of fat and carbohydrates from food. Thirdly, it increases the metabolic rate of the body. Finally, it helps the body to burn more calories before, during and after workouts. Using this four step approach, Meratol helps women to reduce weight effectively.
3. A Shapely Body
Staying healthy and losing weight alone may not give women a shapely body. The most prominent feminine feature is the bust line. Having shapely breasts is almost every woman's dream but many women have small, sagging or loose breasts. Women can have larger, firmer and more uplifted breasts by using Triactol Bust Serum. With over 10 extensive clinical trials, this bust serum is shown to be safe, natural, and without any known side effects. It is known to effectively increase size of breast in most women.
By maintaining good health, losing weight and having a shapely body, women can truly enjoy health and wellness.

Saturday 22 October 2011

The Emergency Dental Treatment

The usefulness of an emergency dental treatment is best seen when you happen to suffer from severe pain or damage to your teeth. Emergency dental issues can happen at any time and may at times be too much that even pain killers do not provide any form of relief to you. At this point it is clear that you need immediate access to an emergency dentist who will be able to provide you with emergency dental treatment that will relieve your pain and treat whatever was causing the pain.
The first thing the emergency dentists focus on is how to relieve your pain then later on how to treat you. It would be juvenile to expect an emergency dentist to make a house call due to the fact that the tools used by dentists are of high sophistication and can not be carried around with ease; therefore emergency dental treatment can only be given in the emergency dentists' office. The emergency dental services aim to provide immediate relief to people who suffer form dental related discomfort.
Despite the fact most people ignore them; dental emergencies are quite serious and may affect you in ways you did not expect. Dental pain is normally very brutal to the point where you can not do anything. The sharp pain is truly devastating and if not immediately looked at may cause you to even pass out. Emergency dentists are able to stop the pain by injecting pain killers directly to the affected area in order to increase the speed of relief and also to make the pain killer more effective. So if you are experiencing a lot of pain it is advisable you seek emergency dental treatment before the situation gets worse.
If your tooth happens to be knocked out due an accident then it is important you save that tooth because it is possible for the emergency dentist to put it back in place. This is only possible if you reach there within an hour's time of the accident. You should carry the tooth in a medium that supports cell growth such as milk or saltwater. This will make it easier for the emergency dentist to put back the tooth into the socket successfully.
If your tooth has been dislodged partially then do not hesitate to seek emergency dental treatment. You can relieve the pain by compressing a cold object on the affected area or you could as well take pain killers. In other cases an accident may result in loss of a crown; this means that you have to visit an emergency dentist immediately so that the crown can be put back in place. Another situation that will require you to seek emergency dental treatment is when you have broken braces wires. The wires can cause damage to your cheeks or tongue if not tended to immediately

Child Obesity And BMI, 4 Simple Steps To Help Him Lose Weight - Teach Him How To Diet

One-third to one-half of our children are considered overweight or obese. This is a very alarming statistic because of the implication regarding health. Children who are overweight typically have lower self-esteem than do their normal-weight peers. Further, the excess pounds may be harmful to their health now, and as adults since it has been amply demonstrated that obese children typically become obese adults.
The BMI (body mass index) is a tool commonly used in the evaluation of a child's weight by considering height and age. The BMI does not directly determine body fat but it is a reliable indicator of the likelihood of high body fat.
Once the BMI has been determined, it can be compared against norms for various age groups provided by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control. This comparison will provide a "BMI percentile" which will place the child's weight in the range of:
• Underweight (less than 5th percentile)
• Healthy weight (5th to under 85th percentile)
• Overweight (85th to less than 95th percentile
• Obese (95th percentile and above)
If the BMI percentile indicates "Overweight" or "Obese", the physician will probably perform a more extensive exam to determine whether the BMI represents fat tissue or whether it is high because of the child's natural structural make-up. The Centers for Disease Control recommends that screening for weight issues begin at age two.
It is important that parents and guardians not make the mistake of applying data from adults to children on their own. The numbers are calculated the same way but the "rules for interpretation" are different in children. The weight and height of children is constantly changing and only a health care professional can determine whether or not the numbers are bad for your child.
If you have been told that your child is overweight or obese, there are 4 relatively simple steps you can take to help him or her back to the road of good health:
1. Provide healthy meals and snacks every day. Emphasize fruit and vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat meats and reduced-fat dairy products.
2. Eliminate sugar-sweetened beverages.
3. Minimize "screen time"...that time which your child spends in front of the computer, TV, or other electronic devices.
4. Ensure that your child gets adequate physical exercise. Most children do not. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children get a minimum of 60 minutes exercise per day.
Good eating habits and adequate physical exercise are essential in order for your child to be healthy and to minimize the risk of disease and adult obesity.
Get them to stop drinking sugary pop today! That will improve BMI quickly.

Friday 14 October 2011

Urinary Incontinence - A Clearer Picture: Fact and Fiction

Urinary incontinence is the involuntary discharge of urine. The ability to control urination requires: a normal anatomy, a normally functioning nervous system and the ability to determine and respond to the warning signs of impending urination. Urinary incontinence occurs when one is unable to control the flow, causing leakage or in severe cases an inability to retain urine. This can be precipitated by everyday actions: coughing, standing up, laughing, running, sneezing etc.
Due to the nature of this affliction it is not a topic which is openly discussed, thus many falsehoods abound. Here's an attempt to separate some of the facts from fiction.
Fiction: Incontinence is a disease.
Fact: Incontinence is merely a symptom of a pre-existing condition and can occur due to a number of extenuating circumstances: prostate surgery, menopause or child birth, a nervous system disorder, side effects of some medication, a birth defect, and loss of estrogen in women and enlargement of the prostate in men.
Fiction: Incontinence is a rare ailment.
Fact: The nature of the ailment and the reluctance of sufferers to openly discuss it lead to most people suffering in silence and by extension to the misconception that it's an uncommon problem. The 'National Association for Continence' estimates that 200 million people worldwide (25 million American adults) have experienced some degree of incontinence.
Fiction: I'm in perfect health and therefore I'm not at risk
Fact: In and of itself there are no particular risk factors involved for either of the sexes. As previously indicated one can become incontinent by unforeseen circumstances, making us all likely candidates.
Fiction: Only "old people" get incontinence.
Fact: Although it may be perceived as an affliction of senior citizens it can affect people of all ages and sexes. The risk does increase with age due to weakening of the pelvic muscles and enlargement of the prostate gland. However it cannot be considered an age related ailment, surveys have found that 1 in 4 women over may experience episodes of involuntary leakage and both sexes age 30 - 70 have experienced incontinence occasional or chronic symptoms at some point as adults. Incontinence affects the following groups of people:
• 10% of six-year-olds
• One in four women middle-aged or older
• 15% of all men aged 60 years and over
• Many individuals with neurological disorders and spinal cord
Fiction: There are no solutions if you're incontinent. Just live with it,
Fact: There are many types of incontinence (e.g. stress, urge, mixed) and they can all be treated, cured or managed successfully. Regardless of age or gender there are many available treatment options. Your doctor will determine which is right for you based on the nature, cause and severity of your ailment.
Fiction: The only available options are medication and/or surgery
Fact: It is widely accepted that Kegel exercises can play a huge role in treating and in some cases even reversing the effects of incontinence. Kegel exercises consist of contracting and relaxing the pelvic floor muscles thereby strengthening them and allow one greater control of the pelvic floor muscles which controls the bladder. There are exercises for both men and women. Magnesium, vitamin D, a healthy body weight, and abstaining from smoking, alcohol and caffeine are also known to play a role in the improvement of this affliction.
Fiction: Incontinence can be fatal.
Fact: Incontinence is neither fatal nor life threatening. However its impact is such that one's quality of life can be greatly affected. Due to the fear of "accidents" persons with this affliction tend to place severe restrictions on their social activities, leading to self imposed isolation and depression.
Incontinence should not be ignored or kept to oneself. Though not fatal it can lead to negative lifestyle changes which can be devastating. It is an indication of an impending or preexisting condition which necessitates a visit to your medical practitioner without delay. Like any major ailment an early diagnosis can make a world of difference


Exercises Leads to Low Cholesterol

It's not wrong to say that Cholesterol is prevalent in each and every man or woman! This really is just one of the several things that are produced by the person as a way to function properly.
Unfortunately, eating food and drinking alcohol that is loaded with sugar, fat and oil may do more harm than good to a person. The individual will soon get high blood pressure, diabetes, major heart problems or a stroke.
Fortunately there is a way to prevent this before it happens. It will take sacrifice and hard work on the part of the individual because the body will be unable to sustain the consequences due to aging.
Other than eating less and making changes in the diet, the advisable way to lower cholesterol is by exercising. This can increase the heart beating rate and metabolism within the body letting it to expel the harmful oils detrimental to one's health.
Individuals who have not exercised before should first consult with a physician to determine which is safe. Those who have a heart condition may not be able to take rigorous action and can rely on something that is low impact such as walking, weight lifting or stretching.
Should the physician approve that the patient can participate in high workload exercises, there is running, swimming, aerobics and bicycling. The kind of exercise will depend on several factors and not just only medical history. This may also relate to gender, age and weight.
The doctor can make a programme that the patient can relay to the fitness instructor to know what type is safe or not. From there, a workout program might possibly be made and all the patient has to do is follow it.
After a week or two, there'll be improvements in the levels of good and bad cholesterol in the body plus lowering of the current weight of the person.
Exercising is also considered to be a great idea as an alternative to the using of drugs which has been known to cause negative effects whenever the person takes this.
Should the individual have no time to enroll in a gym, there are other ways to pump those muscles and increase the heart muscle rate. Foremost, ladies and men should go brisk walking early in the morning or before going to work.
Some offices and hospitals persuade folks to walk up one or two flights of stairs as an alternative to using the elevator to go up or down several floors. In case the company where one works in, consists of a big parking area, the individual can try taking a walk with a few yards more compared to taking the parking space close to the door.
During any exercise, it is suggested you drink plenty of water. This will prevent the body from dehydration that most of the time results in exhaustion. Instead of going to the fountain every few moments, it s always best to bring a water bottle.
This will save a good deal of time and also keep the person at pace with the group activity or the work being done on the machine.
We all know the saying that health is wealth. By exercising, one will have the capacity to lower the unfortunate cholesterol inside the body and wear better than those people who opt to do nothing despite being aware of the many dangers of not making some changes in lifestyle!
Its not wrong to say that Cholesterol is prevalent in each and every man or woman! This really is just one of the several things that are produced by the person as a way to function properly. Learn how to lower cholesterol.

Monday 10 October 2011

Natural Remedies for People With Allergies

Although it is not always possible to avoid taking medication to control your allergies, you can sometimes alleviate the symptoms by using natural remedies. Here are a few natural remedies that may help you to lessen the severity of your allergy attacks.
Visit a Chiropractor
Regular visits to a chiropractor will help to keep you healthy and lessen the symptoms caused by your allergy. This is because the chiropractor will work on your nervous system. A healthy nervous system ensures your immune system is working at its best level. The stronger your immune system is the less chance you have of having a severe allergy attack. Regular visits to your chiropractor will help you to have a better quality of life.
Take Vitamins B5 and E
Vitamins can help you remain fit and lessen your chances of having an allergic reaction. Take vitamin B5 daily once you begin to feel the beginning of allergy symptoms. You can also try a course of vitamin E for four to six weeks during the months of the year when you are more susceptible to an allergy attack.. Have a Healthy Drink before Breakfast To help your intestinal track and your nasal passages, try five drops of castor oil that have been added to a glass of fruit juice or vegetable juice. Take this mixture once a day, before breakfast. The best vegetables to use in this mixture are one part beetroot juice to one part cucumber juice and three parts carrot juice. An alternative is to squeeze half of a lime into a glass of lukewarm water and add a teaspoon of honey. These drinks will help flush toxins out of your system.
Remedies that will help you cope with Hay Fever. If you suffer from hay fever, try drinking a mixture of honey and lemon juice three times a day.
A steam treatment may alleviate the symptoms of hay fever. Put a teabag (chamomile tea is very good for people who suffer from hay fever) into a bowl of boiling water. Lean over the bowl, placing your face as close to the rim of the bowl as you comfortably can. Place a bath towel over your head, so you can breathe in the steam.
Keep your Home as Dust Free as Possible
If you suffer from dust or dust mite allergies keep your home as free from dust as you can. Choose tiled or wooden floors in preference to carpets and roller blinds in preference to curtains or Venetian-style blinds. Air your bedding regularly. Use cotton blankets instead of wool blankets because cotton blankets are easy to launder, so they do not harbour as much dust as wool blankets.
Meditation and Yoga can help the Allergy Sufferer
If your allergy is stress related, try using meditation techniques or yoga to help control the severity of your allergy attacks. Deep breathing exercises or yoga poses such as "shoulder stand pose" may help ease an allergy attack.
Depending on the type of allergy you suffer from, and the severity of your attacks, natural remedies may help you to lead a more comfortable life. Natural remedies will do no harm and it is certainly worth giving these remedies a try.

Just What Is Aerobics?

Aerobics exercise is a special type of physical exercise that incorporates stretching, strength training routine with rhythmic routines with the goal of achieving increased flexibility, strength and cardio vascular fitness.
The term 'aero' refers to air or oxygen, thus the true meaning of the word aerobics is any exercise which improves the flow of oxygen through the body or which uses oxygen in the
Aerobic Classes
Though usually performed to musical accompaniment and in a group setting with an instructor, it can also be done as a solo venture in the privacy of a home setting. Its overall goal is to promote health and discourage the occurrence of disease within the body as well as promoting overall fitness of the body.
Aerobics classes are structured to facilitate variety of fitness levels and experience. Classes are available for beginners, persons at the intermediate level as well as advanced levels.
Each class is designed with a particular level in mind and an experienced trainer leads the class through a variety of dance like routines.
Why Is It Good?
Partaking in regular aerobic activity will benefit the body in a number of ways namely:
1. Helps to burn calories and subsequently lose weight
2. Stimulates the brain to release 'feel good' endorphins which elevate your mood and improve your disposition
3. Strengthen heart and lung muscle, and with continues effort, it will greatly assist in reducing the occurrence of chronic illness such as heart problems or hypertension.
4. Stimulates the circulation of lymph and blood throughout the body, thus inadvertently boosting your immune system.
5. Strengthens the body
6. Helps to tone and produce a slimmer, trimmer body
Kinds of Aerobics
There is a variety of aerobics activities that an individual can perform. However, they are all likely to fit into one of three categories depending on your current fitness level and knowledge of aerobic exercises. The most important thing is that you get started with your aerobics training as soon as possible, this will help you to see result in the shortest period of time.
Once you have refined your aerobics workout routine then you can begin to incorporate some circuit training into your workout program. The circuit training will help you to control your weight and become stronger in the process, after you are comfortable with your progress you can then move on to free weight exercises. And always remember to have an effective cool down period once you have completed your workout program as it will help you to recover faster.

Treating Lower Back Pain With Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a form of Chinese medicine that encourages natural lower back pain relief while healing and improving body functions. This treatment is administered by insertion and manipulation of hair thin needles into the body and by applying electric stimulation at particular acupuncture points. This procedure is widely used today in the west as a solution for pain relief for the back.
How the procedure works
The typical Chinese medicine explanation for acupuncture is that it relays energy in regular modes through and over the body's surface. These channels act like streams of water flowing through the body to hydrate and nourish the cells and tissues. A hindrance to the free movement of the energies behaves like a blocked dam. These channels can be influenced by inserting needles that help unblock the "dam" blockages and reinstate the regular flow of energies through the channels. This procedure helps correct imbalances in digestion, energy production activities, absorption, and the overall energy circulation through the channels.
It is scientifically explained that acupuncture needle points stimulate the nervous system releasing chemicals to the muscles of the spinal cord and brain resulting in pain relief for the back. The chemicals work by changing the whole pain experience or trigger the release of other hormones and chemicals that influence the body's internal regulating system. In the end, the body's natural healing abilities are enhanced promoting ones overall well being.
Conditions best suited to treat with acupuncture
The procedure is performed by specially trained practitioners either as stand alone form of treatment or in combination with other methods of treating lower back pain. This treatment influences three major areas of an individual's health; these include illness prevention, treatment of various conditions and promotion of the overall health.
This treatment is related to lower back pain control while it has broader medical applications that can be explained in clearer details by an acupuncture practitioner. These are:
Menstrual, urinary, and reproductive disorders
Respiratory conditions like sore throat, sinusitis, bronchitis, recurrent chest infections, and asthma
Digestive tract conditions like, diarrhea, spastic, colon gastritis, and hyper-acidity
Muscular and neurological disorders that include headaches, neck pains, lower back pain frozen shoulder, facial tics, sciatica, osteoarthritis, tennis elbow, and various forms of tendinitis.
Emotional and tension related physical problems.
Benefits in pain relief for the back
When one is looking for pain relief for the back, then they may consider acupuncture which has a track record running over 2000 years. The procedure relaxes the body muscles relieving lower back pain while stimulating the body to heal itself. Daily stresses accrued to the body through lack of exercise trauma and poor diet weaken the immune system leaving one susceptible to illnesses and bodily pains and aches. Acupuncture helps in improving blood circulation removing blockages to the affected areas that are functioning insufficiently and easing lower back pain.
Pregnancy discomfort consisting of pelvic and lower back pain are also treated effectively with acupuncture. Studies have shown that about 25% of pregnant women seek medical attention for lower back pain related to pregnancy. The basic treatment given that may include physical therapy has proved to be effective in relieving lower back pain during pregnancy and after delivery. Acupuncture is a great alternative to conventional treatments for pain relief for the back and has very limited risks to it.

How to Get Rid of Acne Overnight Now

In today's time almost everybody hates acne and it can really affect your looks. Often people panic even at the sight of a single acne on their face with the fear of loosing their good appearance and it is thought that subsiding of acne takes time and cannot be cured very soon, but this is not a very true fact. In case you find a new acne coming up just before an important event you wanted to attend, do not panic! Because you can definitely get rid of acne overnight!

First of all before knowing how to cure acne quickly one must know the major cause of acne and that is due to bacterial growth in the skin pores due to excessive oil secretion and its clogging or remains of dirt collected on the skin often left unwashed for long. Now as you realized acne is due to bacterial growth, you must keep in mind to keep your hands away from touching your face as your hands are like bacteria carrier.

Next, as it's clear the microbial growth occurs when the skin pores are clogged due to excessive oil secretion, you must target the cause of acne to get rid of the problem. So, washing the face twice with water is advisable and a mild facial cleanser can be used to do the same, but see that you don't wash your face to leave the skin scaly and dry. A cleanser with a combination of salicylic acid is advisable which helps the skin to clean away excess oil on the face, which will naturally help in fading away the acne overnight.

Acne soap is best suited for a very oily skin, after washing the face dab dry with a towel. Now even an ice treatment can be taken. Take some ice and damp it over your pimple for a few minutes but make sure you don't apply it directly on the pimple, instead wrap it in a clean cloth or thin layer of cotton. This process must be followed for about fifteen minutes after which your pimple will subside.

You can try using Benzoyl Peroxide too. Benzoyl Peroxide kills the bacteria P. acne which causes the inflammation of pores, so you can understand how effective it can be to cure acne. Most products having Benzoyl Peroxide can be easily obtained at stores but sometime it might need a prescription in case if it is of a concentration above 5 %. A product with 5% of Benzoyl Peroxide can be used on face and a concentration level of 10% can be used on any other part of the body affected by acne.

Top 10 Hair Styles for Ladies

As a girl you must remain informed over the newest trends and styles; nevertheless, it can often be difficult! Trending hairstyles and styles are usually changing frequently and you don't want to be behind when you make your upcoming hair style preference. Through this write-up you'll find we have discussed the most notable 10 hairdos from 2011. That not only includes ways to style your own hair but unique cuts which may have taken the fashion world simply by storm as well. This particular comprehensive list can help you choose how you could refresh your current appearance and create easy beauty, a single fast final choice.
1.The Pixie Cut: this kind of hair style is certainly rapidly transforming just how celebs are going to do their own hair today and we are all aware the fact that celebrities are often the trendsetters we look to with regard to fashion. This kind of haircut is amazingly short utilizing asymmetrical style in front to get a jumbled chic look that needs little to no routine maintenance. It may be electrifying to chop off all your lengthy hair and be left with a shaved haircut that is nothing less than glamorous.
2. The 1960s High Bun: if we say "high bun" we all mean super high! This bun is situated directly on the top of your head. It works perfect for girls with incredibly long locks however although you may possess mid-length hair you can accomplish this unbelievably self-assured fashion. It's very basic, stylish and vintage in its fashion. We occasionally only need something totally new to do by means of our own locks and this is an excellent summer option to keep the hair from your face for very hot moments.
3. Long Plus Straight: this particular hairstyle could be a hit or miss with lots of people. It can either cause you to appear flat and dull or extremely sexy. It's very simple to attain. You have extremely long hair, past the shoulders, that is undoubtedly straightened entirely; that's it! In the event you give this a chance and it appears great go for it.
4. The Bob: the bob is yet another hair style brought back from the style history and one that is incredibly complementary over a number of different face sizes and shapes. The bob is often worn totally straight yet it could be converted into a wavy bob as well. Fringe bangs are very frequently if not often paired with this kind of hair do and it genuinely wraps up the particular style.
5. Untidy Hair for Males: the messy hair style is straightforward and sexy and that is the thing that men are attempting to find with regards to their fashion. With a tiny bit longer hair length than normal you simply need gel to be able to mess up your hair and leave this for the day!
6. Scruffy Up-Do: the messing up-do will be scorching this year! Whether you have long hair or just mid-length hair you can utilize this straightforward and attractive fashion. As opposed to brushing your hair fully smooth by using a brush along with pulling it up into a bun or perhaps up-do of some sort, leave the actual brush behind. Rather you ought to tease your hair to make it as chaotic looking as you possibly can. Permitting strands out of your up-do to dangle loose and take it all upwards towards the top of your head inside of a bun or just a gather of locks.
7. Wavy Styles: waves and curls are actually a major focal point in the fashion industry for several years and this is not about to change any time soon. Waves are actually simple to create with your chosen curl enhancing hair products and a diffuser. You can achieve this look with practically any length of hair, including the short bob.
8. Unique Braids: braids are back with a vengeance and may be utilized in a range of ways. What definitely seems to be the most popular trend today is taking the hair directly in front of your face and creating a French braid to outline your face but leaving the rest of your hair loose. This is a basic look that will keep hair from your face and also highlights your face.
9. Layers: whether you might have long or short hair layers can do quite a bit for your style. Nice and long layers angled towards your face can easily add fashion to a stylish cut and highlight your face in a very beneficial way.
10. Spikes: with respect to male's hair styles absolutely nothing is a lot more vintage compared to small and also hot spikes. This kind of cut is not hard to maintain and just takes a couple of minutes to put together every morning.

Sunday 9 October 2011

Important Tips and Solutions for Working Out With Asthma

Tips and Solutions for Working Out With Asthma
Exercise is an important part of everyone's life, and it is especially important for people with asthma to exercise regularly and eat a healthy diet because being overweight can worsen asthma symptoms. It may be difficult for some people with asthma to get regular exercise without aggravating their asthma symptoms. The solution is for individuals with asthma to figure out what exercise program works best for them and to learn how to manage asthma symptoms if or when they do arise during exercise.

Generally, sports and workouts involving short bursts of activity, such as gymnastics, weight training, softball or baseball, wrestling, diving and volleyball, are well tolerated by people with asthma. Swimming is also generally a good form of exercise for those with asthma because the environment is warm and humid. Activities that have been reported to help people with asthma breathe better, such as yoga and tai chi, are usually not a problem for an asthmatic person. Sports and workouts that involve extended periods of activity or take place in cold environments, such as hockey, snow skiing, ice skating, running, jogging, basketball, soccer or lacrosse, may not be well tolerated well by someone with asthma, although many people with asthma can still participate in those activities with few or no problems and some believe that more intense cardiovascular exercises such as running or playing soccer can help an asthmatic person's lungs to function more efficiently and allow for easier breathing.
It is important for anyone with asthma to take certain precautions both before and during exercise. Using an inhaler prior to working out can help diminish any asthma symptoms that may appear during exercise. If you suffer from asthma, you should learn how to breathe correctly while exercising and should take the time to stretch before exercising. Some asthma sufferers find that stretching their upper body, particularly their chest/pecs is helpful in allowing them to breathe more easily while exercising. If it is cold outside, those who suffer from asthma should consider exercising indoors rather than outside or covering their mouth and nose during exercise. If someone with asthma has a viral infection, such as a cold, he or she should consider restricting exercise until his or her heath improves. After exercising, a cool down period is necessary. Sometimes, asthma symptoms will arise during a workout. If that happens, it is important for the asthma sufferer to remain calm and use his or her inhaler. If the symptoms disappear completely, the person may return to exercise if he or she feels able to. If the symptoms do not go away, the person should use his or her inhaler a second time and call his or her doctor. In some cases, it may be necessary to call 911 or go to the emergency room.
Everyone should consult his or her physician prior to beginning any exercise regimen, either on your own or with a personal trainer. If someone with asthma follows these recommendations, he or she should be able to exercise and maintain a healthy lifestyle with minimal problems due to asthma.

Quit Smoking In Natural Way

Can you quit smoking without drugs? Can you quit smoking without adverse side effects? Is there a natural way to quit smoking?
When you decide to quit smoking cigarettes, you may want to avoid using yet another harmful substance, like a drug, to help you. After all, you have compromised the functioning of major organs of your body such as your heart, lungs, brain and liver for years with smoking, so now it is time to get natural.
An excellent way to quit smoking is to consider herbal remedies that take the edge off of your cravings with something that is all- safe and natural. One natural herbal ingredient that seems to be used in many parts of the world to curb the desire for smoking is to chew on licorice sticks.
This may have started in the West Indies, where people routinely chewed sugar cane. Using licorice sticks is also a good substitute for the oral gratification of having something in your mouth.
Another way to quit cigarettes is with an aversion approach. When the urge hits, dip the tip of your tongue in chilli oil. Aversion therapy is when you learn to associate the habit of smoking with something unpleasant. Chilli Oil is one way to do it, but there are other aversion therapies you can use, such as snapping a rubber band on your wrist whenever you get the urge to take a puff. The small pain inflicted will help your subconscious mind link smoking to something unpleasant.
A combination of Fenugreek and Thyme, an age-old remedy for respiratory ailments, is also useful to reduce your urge for nicotine. Since smokers have respiratory problems from the irritation of their bronchial tubes, this can be a potent double benefit.
Improving your diet is good for the body and great for smoking cessation. Smoking increases the acidity in your body. Eat foods that are highly alkaline - such as spinach, beets, greens, lima beans, raisins and figs. You also need to reduce or eliminate refined sugar, white flour, commercial baked goods and refined foods.
That is good advice for improving health even after you quit smoking!
Another popular herbal remedy in China is to grate a fresh radish and mix that with two teaspoons of honey in small amount of water and drink the mixture.
A Japanese study found that certain smells reduce the urge to smoke - particularly peppermint, cypress and lemon. You can find these in sprays or buy small vials of essential oils and keep them at your desk or in your pocket or purse. If you feel the urge to smoke, take out the essential oil and get a good sniff to curb your cravings.
Vitamin C takes a beating trying to combat the free radicals in your body that are caused by smoking. Even people exposed to secondhand smoke have serious depletion of Vitamin C.
As you quit smoking, add more Vitamin C to your supplementation. Don't just depend on a vitamin capsule, either. Fruits and vegetables are the best sources of Vitamin C.
Another pleasant way to curb smoking sensations is with a steamy hot cup of herbal tea. Your best choices are raspberry, blueberry, persimmon and sassafras teas. An old-fashioned herbal tea used for smokers, called lobelia, may work well - but can become as addictive for some people as the cigarettes they're trying to eliminate.
Note: If you're taking any medications, discuss these alternative stop smoking therapies with your doctor. Depending on strength and type, some herbal teas don't mix well with prescription drugs.

Friday 7 October 2011

How to Care for Your Hair Naturally

We all want shiny healthy hair. But can we achieve it with natural products and ingredients, or do we really need the whole range of shampoos, conditioners, treatments, styling products and more that we see advertised every day?
Well the answer is - "Yes" you can have gorgeous healthy hair and still keep it natural.
Here are 5 tips for naturally shiny, healthy hair -
- Feed your hair from the inside
Did you know that your hair and skin are last in line for nutrients? So if your diet is lacking, it will show here first. Make sure you are eating a balanced diet with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, lean protein, "good" fats from nuts, seeds and oily fish and drink plenty of water.
- Watch the "product"
Too much styling product, colour and the like can damage hair. Many products coat hair and build up so that you then need harsh shampoos to remove them, which only damages your hair. Take it easy with how much and how many different products you use. As hair becomes healthier, you may find you need them less and less.
- Gentle cleansing is best
Use gentle, sulphate-free shampoos and conditioners on your hair. These do not "coat" the hair, which can make it look flat and dull over time. Instead they gently cleanse without stripping out all your hair's natural oils, The result - healthy clean shiny hair.
- Oils are not always the enemy!
Many people view oil in hair as a disaster and wash to remove all of this for "squeaky clean" hair. As for your skin, your hair needs some of the natural oils to help keep it healthy and shiny. Even if you have very oily hair, gentle cleansing is still best so that your scalp does not over-produce oil to compensate for the oil you are stripping out.
- Give your hair a healthy treat
It is easy to give your hair an extra treat if it feels dry, coarse or lifeless. Try a warm (not hot) oil treatment by working jojoba oil through hair to the ends, then covering with a shower cap (or cling film) and a towel to keep the warmth from your head in. Leave for a couple of hours and then wash as normal.
Follow these tips and you should have healthy gorgeous hair in no time.
Treat your hair with gentleness and natural products and see the results!
Wendy Mackay is a qualified Aromatherapist and member of the International Aromatherapy and Aromatic Medicine Association (IAAMA). Wendy and her husband David run Essence of Wellbeing a successful Aromatherapy & Massage Supply and Pure Natural Skin Care business, based in Mornington on the beautiful Mornington Peninsula in Victoria Australia.

The Right Shoes For Back Pain Management

Footwear is one of the many possible causes of back pain. Because the body is a system of intricately connected parts, a problem in one area can cause problems in another.

There are a few ways in which your shoes and back pain may be related. One is simply having worn-out shoes. With every step you take, you transfer force to the ground; the ground in turn reciprocates a force on your body. Though this force is generally mild while walking, a long day on your feet can lead to jarring of the spine and other joints if there is nothing between your feet and the ground to cushion the shock.

It is also important to make sure you have the right kind of cushioning for your body. Understanding a few body mechanics basics is necessary in order to make the right shoe purchase. The ideal step occurs with the heel contacting the ground, rolling forward and transferring weight across the arch to the bigger toes. These toes push off to propel you forward. This motion allows you to take a step with efficiency.

Steps become inefficient when the foot rolls inward or outward. When the foot rolls inward, flattening out the arch and transferring force mainly to the biggest toe, this is called over-pronation. With the arch flattened and the weight ending up on the inside of the big toe, the foot cannot push off the ground with optimum force.

The hips and lower back must come to the assistance of the foot by swinging the leg forward. If these muscles are being used with every step, they can become strained, as well as the tendons and ligaments of the lower body. This can cause knee, hip and lower back pain.

Supination is the opposite of over-pronation; it occurs when your weight is transferred along the outside of your foot, leaving you to push off with your smallest toe. This makes for an inefficient push-off, along with strain to the ankle, knee and hip joints. As with over-pronation, supination forces the lower back and hips to swing the leg forward in order to take a step.

To see if your step suffers from either over-pronation or supination, grab an old pair of shoes that has been worn in and assess the wear pattern on the bottom and/or inside. You can also place them on a flat surface pointing away from you and see if they tilt inward or outward.

People with over-pronation benefit most from shoes with good arch supports. This will counteract the arch's tendency to flatten out. Supinators need shoes with cushioning in the middle of the sole; this can help balance the foot. If you have an especially high arch, you may need custom shoes. People without supination or over-pronation simply need shoes that can cushion their feet throughout the day. Keep your activity level and the surfaces on which you walk in mind when purchasing shoes.

Thursday 6 October 2011

Heart Disease Prevention - How to Reduce Your Cholesterol Levels

Doctors worldwide will tell you that cholesterol is one of the primary factors for heart diseases. Unhealthy levels of cholesterol in the blood can increase weight problems and probabilities of a heart attack.
Here are some easy tips that can be included in the daily life routine to help live a life free of cholesterol!
1. Follow a diet controlled by the expertise of a professional dietician / doctor.
2. One of the most effective and healthiest of all tips to control cholesterol is undoubtedly Exercising.
3. Why? Because Exercising increases the heart rate thereby improving the metabolism of the body allowing improved expulsion of harmful oils, detrimental to an individual's health.
4. The type of exercise to be done will depend largely on varied factors including medical history. The deciding factors also include age, gender and weight.
5. Needless to mention, those beginning exercising must first consult a physician and ensure safety in doing them.
6. Heart ailment patients might be advised against any rigorous exercises but could resort to simpler alternates like stretching, weight lifting, walking, etc.
7. If a physician allows some high impact exercises, participate mandatorily in swimming, running, bicycling, aerobics, etc.
8. Consult a doctor to sketch a fitness plan in detail and ensure adherence to the same with the guidance of a professional fitness trainer. Following the plan duly is in the hands of the patient!
9. Results of such plans normally become evident within a week or two. Very soon bad cholesterol will start getting reduced in the body, replaced with good cholesterol leading to a considerable reduction in the body weight.
10. Exercising has less or no side effects as compared to consuming drugs which potentially has a lot of side effects on the body.
11. Brisk walking in the early morning or just before going to your workplace is highly recommended to those who do not have time in their daily schedule to go to a gym.
12. Whenever exercising in any form or format, consuming lots of water is highly recommended as it helps a great deal.
13. This prevents the body from dehydration and repercussions thereby like exhaustion. For this, one doesn't need to run up to the fountain time and again; instead carry a water bottle! While working on a machine or participating in a group activity, this really helps and moving from one place to another time and again really doesn't help!
14. Some organizations these days encourage their people to walk up 1 or 2 flights of stairs, instead of using the elevators to go up & down only a few floors.
Lower Cholesterol definitely means lower probability of a heart ailment!

Why You Need To Eat Fresh Raw Garlic And 3 Tips You Can Use To Be Free Of Bad Breathe

I don't know if there's enough I can say about the benefits of Garlic, but here are 3 tips you can use so you can eat fresh raw garlic daily and NOT get bad breathe. I'll give you these tips at the end, but first you've got to know why people avoid eating fresh raw garlic even though it is probably the most powerful medicinal veggie in the world!
Garlic is THE Number One BAD BOY in the vegetable world. Not because of all the good it can do you, but because of the stigma about it being the WORST cause of bad breathe. This is quite ironic since many cultures even today, still worship garlic because of its medicinal powers. I'm no anthropologist, but it stands to reason that these same cultures must have lived without it, and then discovered it, to know the powerful difference it makes.
Don't take my word for it though. Look at and consider the following reasons why you should be a garlic-eating worshiper enough to worry about bad breathe! Here's what history and medical science have to say:
Historical Use
Garlic is used as both food and medicine in many cultures, and has been for thousands of years, dating at least as far back to when the Giza pyramids were built.
Garlic comes up in the Bible and the Talmud. Hippocrates, Galen, Pliny the Elder, and Dioscorides all mention the power of garlic to remedy many conditions, including parasites, respiratory problems, poor digestion, and low energy. Its use in China was only first mentioned as late as AD 510, but today China is the world's top producer!
It was eaten on a regular basis by ancient Greek and Roman soldiers, sailors, and rural classes (Virgil, Ecologues ii. 11), and, according to Pliny the Elder (Natural History xix. 32), by the African peasantry. Galen promotes it as the "rustic's theriac" (cure-all) (see F. Adams' Paulus Aegineta, p. 99), and Alexander Neckam, a writer of the 12th century (see Wright's edition of his works, p. 473, 1863), recommends it as a remedy for heat stroke.
The legend of Korea's establishment as a nation, tells of gods who were said to have given mortal women with bear and tiger temperaments, an Immortal's black garlic before mating with them. This black, six-clove garlic gave to all women who ate it, supernatural powers and immortality. This garlic is still grown in Korea today.
Early in the 20th century, it was used in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis.
Health Benefits And Medicinal Use
Just look at the nutritional statistics for Garlic, raw:
Nutritional value per 100 g (3.5 oz)
623 kJ (149 kcal)
33.06 g
- Sugars
- Dietary fiber
2.1 g
0.5 g
6.39 g
- beta-carotene
5 μg (0%)
Thiamine (Vit. B1)
0.2 mg (17%)
Riboflavin (Vit. B2)
0.11 mg (9%)
Niacin (Vit. B3)
0.7 mg (5%)
Pantothenic acid (B5)
0.596 mg (12%)
Vitamin B6
1.235 mg (95%)
Folate (Vit. B9)
3 μg (1%)
Vitamin C
31.2 mg (38%)
181 mg (18%)
1.7 mg (13%)
25 mg (7%)
153 mg (22%)
401 mg (9%)
17 mg (1%)
1.16 mg (12%)
Manganese 1.672 mg
Selenium 14.2 μg
Percentages are relative to US recommendations for adults.
Source: USDA Nutrient database
In vitro studies show garlic as having antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal effects. Garlic has also been shown to help prevent heart disease (including atherosclerosis, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure) and cancer. Garlic is used to prevent certain types of cancer, including stomach and colon cancers. It has also been demonstrated that, in countries where garlic is consumed in higher amounts, because of traditional cuisine, people in those countries have been found to have a lower prevalence of cancer.
Early studies in humans suggest possible cardiovascular benefits of garlic as well. A Czech study found garlic consumption reduced accumulation of cholesterol on the vascular walls. Another study had similar results, with garlic consumption significantly reducing aortic plaque deposits and inhibiting vascular calcification.
In 2007, the BBC reported that garlic (Allium sativum) has other beneficial properties, such as preventing and fighting the common cold. This, "may have", assertion has the backing of a long tradition in thousands of years of herbal medicine, which has used garlic for hoarseness and coughs. The Cherokee also used it as a preventative medicine for coughs and croup.
It has been shown that garlic is also alleged to help regulate blood sugar levels. Regular and prolonged use of garlic, lower blood homocysteine levels and has been proven to prevent some complications of diabetes mellitus, but people taking insulin should not consume medicinal amounts of garlic without consulting a physician.
In 1858, Louis Pasteur discovered garlic's antibacterial activity, which went on to be used as an antiseptic to prevent gangrene during World War I and World War II.
More recently, clinical trials demonstrate that a mouthwash containing 2.5% fresh garlic produces good antimicrobial activity, although the majority of the participants reported an unpleasant taste and halitosis (bad breathe)!
Of course you are going to get bad breathe from drinking or eating garlic alone! --and this is the key word here: alone. I'll get right back to this concept shortly, when I show you 3 tips for eating garlic properly, so you don't get bad breathe when you eat it.
Garlic cloves have been, and are still used as a remedy for infections (especially chest problems), digestive disorders, and fungal infections such as thrush. Garlic can also be used as a disinfectant because of its bacteriostatic and bacteriocidal properties.
In 1924, it was discovered to be an effective way to prevent scurvy, because of its high vitamin C content!
Garlic supplementation has been shown to boost testosterone levels!
A 2010 double-blind, parallel, randomized, placebo-controlled trial involving 50 patients, strongly suggests that garlic is superior to placebos in lowering systolic blood pressure similarly to other current first line medications!
So now that you know how powerful garlic is and all the reasons why you should be a garlic-eating worshiper, now it's time to put to rest your fears of getting bad breathe when you start!
First, consider for a moment: by just eating fresh raw garlic as an effective preventative which would stop you from ever getting cancer and a whole variety of different ills, wouldn't it be worth trying it in exchange for a little bad breathe?
But you won't have to worry about bad breathe again after following these 3 tips for eating fresh garlic the right way:
Tip#1: Eat small amounts daily. It only takes a small amount of garlic (like one half clove or one half teaspoon!) eaten fresh every day to get ALL its powerful preventative medicine.
Tip#2: Never eat garlic alone. This doesn't mean it is dangerous to eat garlic by yourself, it means, always eat your small daily amount of fresh garlic with other fresh foods such as, in a salad. Always eat your fresh garlic before your main meal. The other fresh veggies, and then the cooked food you eat, as your main supper, will simply neutralize the garlic aroma so you have, "no breathe"!
Tip#3: You only get "garlic breathe" from cooked garlic and garlic pills. So AVOID them! If you are worried about bad breathe from eating fresh garlic, then remember that garlic eaten properly (in small amounts with other main course foods gets its aroma neutralized--see tip#2) and is NOT you main concern. Never consume alcohol, tobacco or coffee. These are the only things guaranteed to give you bad breathe, aside from eating vomit and excrement! Ouch! Sorry to be so blunt, but this is a proven fact! Now I'm sure you do not eat vomit or excrement, but there's a good chance you may be addicted to, coffee, tobacco or alcohol. If you are not willing to give up any one or all of these three "breathe devils", you can only mask these fumes with fresh fruit, or breathe gum, or "slips" that dissolve on your tongue. If you are still experiencing bad breathe issues even when eating garlic properly, and you do not consume tobacco, alcohol, or coffee, you have other digestive or gastrointestinal issues that must be addressed. You can resolve these easily, but that's a topic for another article coming soon!
Now that you are armed with these 3 tips, go ahead eat the most powerful preventative medicine known, without fear of getting bad breathe, and you will enjoy the benefits of garlic with a long life, and good health!

Monday 3 October 2011

Dental Bleaching Can Help Whiten Your Smile

As people age their bodies lose some of the essential nutrients that help to make them look young. This is true in the case of teeth, where the perfectly white surface of the enamel gradually fades. As well as being the result of natural ageing, teeth can lose their whiteness due to staining caused by bacteria, colours in drinks or foodstuffs, and smoking. All of these changes make the white smile of a young person gradually fade into something more off-white. Rather than accept these changes as a natural part of ageing, many people choose to try teeth whitening services that aim to make the enamel of teeth seem younger.
There are good reasons for choosing to use a teeth whitening service. The first is obviously that it can improve your appearance giving you a brilliant white smile and making you seem younger. The second is that whitening the teeth can make a person seem healthier and more attractive to the opposite sex. As noted, stains on the teeth are often caused by bacteria, smoking, or dyed foods. These can all contribute to lack of health in other areas, so people will judge someone's fitness as a mate by the whiteness of their smile.
Those anxious to whiten their teeth may have tried previous methods of dental bleaching, such as a gel which is designed to be used by people overnight. Others try a kind of cosmetic surgery which involves applying bleach to the surface of the teeth, and then exposing it to light, increasing the power of the bleaching agent. While this is a popular device of celebrities, who use it to get a bright white smile, it can at the same time be very harmful, as it exposes the user to UV light which can age the skin and increase the risk of Melanomas.
Another alternative is to use an oxidizing gel. This is placed onto the teeth rather like the bleach, but the dentist then uses a laser to intensify the gel, heating it up so that it makes the enamel whiter. By using a teeth whitening method which doesn't use excessive amounts of light, you avoid damaging the skin around the mouth, and you don't have to worry about skin changes which could lead to cancer. The laser works effectively, and can last for several weeks. When you need to change the whiteness of your teeth, either for an important date, or to get the job you always dreamed of, then you should consider using laser technology to whiten your smile.
Looking for teeth whitening in Auckland? White Smile Parnell is your best professional teeth whitening solution. A bright, white smile can be yours in just 36 minutes. Their revolutionary tooth whitening technology is the latest in cosmetic whitening; bleaching your teeth has never been faster or easier. Visit the site and learn more.

Different Types of Hair Loss: Where Does Yours Belong?

Hair loss does not mean that your hair simply falls off in excessive amounts. There are actually several types of hair loss brought about by a list of causes. Let us go through them quickly to give you an idea to where your condition might belong to.
Alopecia Areata
This is an auto-immune hair loss condition. By that it means your own body, specifically your white blood cells, is attacking your own hair follicles which cause them to fall excessively.
It initially presents itself as a round and bare patch, at least an inch in diameter. This is why this is characterized as the patchy type of hair loss.
Although this is a treatable type of hair loss through continued use of medications until the condition stops.
Tellogen Effluvium
This condition may sound so fancy, but it is actually very common among many. In fact you may have experienced it yourself when you experienced severe bouts of stress. This might be in the form of crazy demands at work, childbirth or sometimes when you immediately stop your birth control pills.
The good thing about this kind of hair loss is that it can be remedied once you relieve yourself from the stressors which caused it. So learn to take a breather, and this temporary phase will just come to pass.
This type of hair loss is due to the uncontrollable urge to twist or pull hair out. This stems out from a psychological disorder that needs to be cured first in order to grow hair back.
Women are more likely to experience this than men. Trichotillomania also results to uneven bald patches all over the head. Some may even pick on their eyelashes, eyebrows and body hair.
To be cured from this excessive hair pulling condition, this person can undergo behavioral therapy, habit reversal or take medications such as SSRIs.
Androgenetic Alopecia
This is also known as male/female pattern baldness which is caused by a hormone called DHT (dihydrotestosterone). DHT is a result of the male hormone, testosterone, after it is converted by the enzyme 5-alpha reductase.
You might be wondering why this would also happen to women when DHT is only derived from testosterone. But what most people don't know is that women also have minute amounts of this male hormone in their system.
To treat this type of hair loss, medications and hair transplants are the effective measures taken. Weaves and wigs can also be used as a quick way to conceal balding.
For a permanent answer for those disturbing patches, why not choose a hair transplant procedure at one of the most credible hair clinics in Singapore - The Hair and Laser Clinic. Dr. Tyng Tan, who is an internationally trained hair surgeon, heads our team and is fully driven to give hair loss sufferers a brand of confidence. We make sure that you receive natural-looking results like you never had any hair woes before! For more information about us and our service, you can check out our website by clicking the link above.