Sunday 9 October 2011

Quit Smoking In Natural Way

Can you quit smoking without drugs? Can you quit smoking without adverse side effects? Is there a natural way to quit smoking?
When you decide to quit smoking cigarettes, you may want to avoid using yet another harmful substance, like a drug, to help you. After all, you have compromised the functioning of major organs of your body such as your heart, lungs, brain and liver for years with smoking, so now it is time to get natural.
An excellent way to quit smoking is to consider herbal remedies that take the edge off of your cravings with something that is all- safe and natural. One natural herbal ingredient that seems to be used in many parts of the world to curb the desire for smoking is to chew on licorice sticks.
This may have started in the West Indies, where people routinely chewed sugar cane. Using licorice sticks is also a good substitute for the oral gratification of having something in your mouth.
Another way to quit cigarettes is with an aversion approach. When the urge hits, dip the tip of your tongue in chilli oil. Aversion therapy is when you learn to associate the habit of smoking with something unpleasant. Chilli Oil is one way to do it, but there are other aversion therapies you can use, such as snapping a rubber band on your wrist whenever you get the urge to take a puff. The small pain inflicted will help your subconscious mind link smoking to something unpleasant.
A combination of Fenugreek and Thyme, an age-old remedy for respiratory ailments, is also useful to reduce your urge for nicotine. Since smokers have respiratory problems from the irritation of their bronchial tubes, this can be a potent double benefit.
Improving your diet is good for the body and great for smoking cessation. Smoking increases the acidity in your body. Eat foods that are highly alkaline - such as spinach, beets, greens, lima beans, raisins and figs. You also need to reduce or eliminate refined sugar, white flour, commercial baked goods and refined foods.
That is good advice for improving health even after you quit smoking!
Another popular herbal remedy in China is to grate a fresh radish and mix that with two teaspoons of honey in small amount of water and drink the mixture.
A Japanese study found that certain smells reduce the urge to smoke - particularly peppermint, cypress and lemon. You can find these in sprays or buy small vials of essential oils and keep them at your desk or in your pocket or purse. If you feel the urge to smoke, take out the essential oil and get a good sniff to curb your cravings.
Vitamin C takes a beating trying to combat the free radicals in your body that are caused by smoking. Even people exposed to secondhand smoke have serious depletion of Vitamin C.
As you quit smoking, add more Vitamin C to your supplementation. Don't just depend on a vitamin capsule, either. Fruits and vegetables are the best sources of Vitamin C.
Another pleasant way to curb smoking sensations is with a steamy hot cup of herbal tea. Your best choices are raspberry, blueberry, persimmon and sassafras teas. An old-fashioned herbal tea used for smokers, called lobelia, may work well - but can become as addictive for some people as the cigarettes they're trying to eliminate.
Note: If you're taking any medications, discuss these alternative stop smoking therapies with your doctor. Depending on strength and type, some herbal teas don't mix well with prescription drugs.

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