Monday 10 October 2011

How to Get Rid of Acne Overnight Now

In today's time almost everybody hates acne and it can really affect your looks. Often people panic even at the sight of a single acne on their face with the fear of loosing their good appearance and it is thought that subsiding of acne takes time and cannot be cured very soon, but this is not a very true fact. In case you find a new acne coming up just before an important event you wanted to attend, do not panic! Because you can definitely get rid of acne overnight!

First of all before knowing how to cure acne quickly one must know the major cause of acne and that is due to bacterial growth in the skin pores due to excessive oil secretion and its clogging or remains of dirt collected on the skin often left unwashed for long. Now as you realized acne is due to bacterial growth, you must keep in mind to keep your hands away from touching your face as your hands are like bacteria carrier.

Next, as it's clear the microbial growth occurs when the skin pores are clogged due to excessive oil secretion, you must target the cause of acne to get rid of the problem. So, washing the face twice with water is advisable and a mild facial cleanser can be used to do the same, but see that you don't wash your face to leave the skin scaly and dry. A cleanser with a combination of salicylic acid is advisable which helps the skin to clean away excess oil on the face, which will naturally help in fading away the acne overnight.

Acne soap is best suited for a very oily skin, after washing the face dab dry with a towel. Now even an ice treatment can be taken. Take some ice and damp it over your pimple for a few minutes but make sure you don't apply it directly on the pimple, instead wrap it in a clean cloth or thin layer of cotton. This process must be followed for about fifteen minutes after which your pimple will subside.

You can try using Benzoyl Peroxide too. Benzoyl Peroxide kills the bacteria P. acne which causes the inflammation of pores, so you can understand how effective it can be to cure acne. Most products having Benzoyl Peroxide can be easily obtained at stores but sometime it might need a prescription in case if it is of a concentration above 5 %. A product with 5% of Benzoyl Peroxide can be used on face and a concentration level of 10% can be used on any other part of the body affected by acne.

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