Wednesday 2 November 2011

Five Healthy Eating Tips to Lose 5 Pounds

Are you struggling to lose that last 5 pounds? Well it's no surprise because that last few pounds are always the toughest to lose. This is when diet becomes very important and really looking at what you are eating can make a big difference in the results you see. So here are 5 tips you can start implementing right away to lose 5 pounds.
  1. Eat breakfast. Skipping breakfast is one of the worst things you can do if you are trying to lose weight. After a long night of not eating, your body is starving for some food. If you choose to skip breakfast you'll also slow your metabolism down and since your body is depleted of protein and carbs, you'll even start burning off that your earned muscle. So make sure to get a healthy breakfast in before you head out for the day. Choose a meal with a good mix of carbs and protein such as oatmeal and eggs or a protein smoothie with fruit.

  2. Don't skip meals. If you want to keep your metabolism boosted so that you burn lots of fat be sure to avoid skipping meals or going long periods of time without eating. Ideally, you should be eating a small meal every 3-4 hours for a total of 5-6 meals each day. These meals should be balanced and contain both carbs and proteins, as well as a small amount of healthy fats sprinkled in here and there too. This will make your body a fat burning machine and make it much easier to lose 5 pounds.

  3. Get your protein. You keep hearing me say to eat protein with your meals. This is very important. Your body needs protein and eating it will help you feel fuller and help you recover from your workouts. But I'm not talking about bacon, hot dogs, and sausage here. Instead get protein every time you eat from lean sources such as chicken, turkey, fish, eggs, and lean beef.

  4. Eat the right carbs. And just like protein you need to have your carbs in your diet. Carbs are important to give you energy and help your body absorb protein, but you must be getting the right kinds of carbs in your diet to get the best results. So stay away from white processed carbs and stick to whole grains, oatmeal, brown rice, and sweet potatoes instead.

  5. Avoid added sugar. If you really want to lose 5 pounds than added sugar is your biggest enemy. I'm not talking about fruit sugar here but rather that white, processed stuff added to a variety of foods. There's nothing good about added sugar and eating too much of it will definitely hinder your weight loss goals. Even healthy foods such as oatmeal packets and protein bars can have loads of added sugar. So start reading labels and avoid foods that have lots of sugars in them. By sticking to whole, natural, unprocessed foods you'll be able to avoid getting added sugars in your diet.

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