Wednesday 2 November 2011

What To Eat To Lose Belly Fat Fast

There are so many great foods out there that a lot of people get confused about what to eat to lose weight or specifically when to eat to lose weight. That's what a lot of people don't understand. First you need to get your basics down then you really need to tweak your diet when eating certain foods. This is paramount in your attempt for successful weight loss.
First off you should be eating a lot of protein when trying to lose weight. And I mean a lot of protein. I personally would recommend that you bump your intake up to around 1 gram per pound of body weight. The reason for this is because protein is very satiating and keeps you full for a long period of time as compared to carbohydrates and fats. For example, try eating a pound of chicken breasts, which equals 480 calories and try eating 480 calories worth of doughnuts. Now which one you think will keep you full the longest; definitely the protein. The other great thing about eating protein is your body has to burn a lot more calories just to break it down into di and tri peptides. The actual thermic effect of protein on the body is around 20-30% while carbs and fats is around 5%. So right there are 2 great benefits. Protein will help you stay full and help you burn calories on its own.
And you can get your protein intake from numerous forms such as chicken, beef, fish, pork, eggs, egg whites, protein powder, milk, cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, and beans. Oh and if you're going to go with drinking a lot of shakes or starting a protein shake diet, then I recommend you using a blend of whey protein and casein or just pure casein powder. Casein is a lot thicker than whey and will keep you full for a longer period of time.
Another thing that is paramount about what to eat to lose weight is vegetables. I know everyone says it but it's true. However, I'm not talking about their health benefits. What I'm talking about is how full they make you. A lot of people don't understand that to be successful in a lot of weight loss programs and to lose belly fat, you need to keep yourself as full as possible. This will help to prevent cravings and you falling off of your diet. Veggies do a wonderful job at this because they contain a ton of fiber and are tough for your body to break down. I prefer any of the green vegetables or cruciferous vegetables because of the high fiber content such as broccoli or cabbage.
Also you should be consuming a good amount of healthy fats, especially from fish oil. Besides the weight loss benefits, fish oil has been found to help with depression, cardiovascular disease, insulin resistance, cancer, your skin, and a host of other benefits. But studies have shown that fish oil supplementation has helped people drop inches off of their waist when doing nothing else. Now it wasn't significant but it did help so why not use it. Every little bit helps in the long run. But the other healthy fats that you should be having on a daily basis are coconut oil, organic red palm oil, organic grass fed butter, extra virgin olive oil, walnuts, macadamia nuts, and flax seed oil if you'd like. A lot of these fats have the perfect ratio of omega 6 to omega 3 fatty acids in them and since scientists now recommend we get a ratio off 2:1 omega 6 to omega 3's, then they are the perfect choice. Also you'll find some of these fats have high levels of saturated fat. Don't be fooled by this because there are different types of saturated fats. For example coconut oil or milk, whichever one you decide to use is chock full of Lauric acid. Lauric acid has been found to be extremely beneficial to your immune system. Also it's full of medium chain triglycerides, which act differently than most other fats. Because of the chemical composition, MCT's are actually broken down very quickly in the liver and used for immediate energy, sort of like carbohydrates.
Also be sure to drink plenty of green tea throughout the day. Green tea is chock full of antioxidants and has been found to be a potent fat burner because of the compound ECGC. It can aid as a slight stimulant from the caffeine and help your metabolism stay sky high throughout the day.
But my personal favorite is a good ole cup of coffee. Coffee is a potent stimulant and the most widely consumed beverage in the entire world. Caffeine has been found to be a central nervous system enhancer and has been found to help the breakdown of fat into the blood stream to be used for energy. This is awesome news because you can really get a lot of benefit just from drinking a cup or 2 of coffee right before you workout, or better yet right before you do any form of cardio. I personally just pop a caffeine pill now because I like the effects better and it hits me all at once. While with coffee I tend to drink it slowly so I don't get the full effect that I would like too.
Now with regards to when to eat certain foods to lose weight, there is only one rule in my book and that's to never eat carbs for dinner unless you are going to exercise right after and to limit your carbohydrate intake right before your about to workout. This greatly enhances your body's ability to burn them up for fuel as opposed to converting them into triglycerides and storing them as body fat. This happens usually when you have a big carbohydrate meal and just sit around not doing anything.
All in all, when it comes to what to eat to lose weight, if you just follow the basics than you will be fine. Remember to eat a lot of protein, green vegetables, healthy fats and to limit your carbohydrate intake, especially at night.

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