Monday 7 November 2011

Grow Your Hair Back With My Step by Step Regime

How I went from a Baldie to a Gorilla Chest Head
Man I couldn't believe it. 25 years old and starting to lose my hair. I was thinning at the sides and on the top. At first I tried to deny it. I brushed it under the carpet. Tried to forget about it. But one day I looked at a picture someone had took and there was just no doubt, I was going bald. I was too young to join the balding club.
So I did a lot of research about remedies for stopping balding. And sadly, I admit, I bought into a few of the scams out there. Completely foolish of me but there you go. Desperation breeds stupidity. But I did my research and read into the science of what makes men go bald.
Basically it's a chemical called D.H.T. that men produce that slows down or prevents natural hair growth. As we get older we produce more of it that's why most men do eventually go bald. It's fine going bald at 60 but not at 25. I had to do something about it. Stop or slow down D.H.T. production reaching the hair follicles and you crack balding.
So I started on a daily regime.
1) I would massage my head for 10 minutes a day. I figured more natural blood flow to the scalp wouldn't do any harm. Plus it was very relaxing. I bought some weird head scalper off the Internet and it does its job very nicely.
2) I cut out coffee and swapped it for green tea. Green tea has amazing health benefits and coffee basically has none. I figured it couldn't do my hair any harm at all. Plus I sleep much better at night now.
3) I ditched all my regular shampoos for 100% pure natural shampoos with no Sodium Litherine. This chemical damages the roots of your hair. And 99% of the shampoos you buy in the shops are full of it. It makes the shampoo "bubbly" and people associate that with good shampoo. But one expert said that the chemical alone can make young people prematurely bald. Also, don't wash you hair so often. Twice a week is more than enough.
4) Finally I did research and found a natural remedy called "Saw Palmeto" does wonders for hair growth. It's both over the counter, promotes blood flow and stronger, healthier hair.

So I do this every day now and after 3 months I noticed my hair was thicker and stronger. Within 1 year I took another picture and the thinning hair on top was now thick. So, keep away from gimmicks and tricks and go the 100% natural method to growing back a healthy head of hair.

1 comment:

  1. Our hair is play important role in our beauty, but due to regular routines , climate, and diet hair loss or hair fall problem increase day by day among people. If you are suffering this kind of problem consultant with Dr. Shalini Tiwari, best homeopathy doctor in Indore for hair loss problem
