Friday 4 November 2011

How to Reduce LDL Cholesterol Naturally With a Liquid Diet

Doctors have recently linked having high levels of LDL cholesterol to a very wide variety of different illnesses. Heart attacks, diabetes, and strokes have been linked to high cholesterol, and these diseases are no laughing matter. In fact, suffering a heart attack is one of the leading causes of death among adult Americans. If you want to avoid having your life cut short, you will need to find a way to reduce LDL cholesterol naturally. To do this, you will need to supplement your diet with all-natural foods that reduce cholesterol, curb cravings for overly fatty foods, and also stabilize your blood sugar.
A few years back my father had quadruple bypass surgery because of all the built up plaque in his arteries. What a scary moment for all of us! As a precaution, I immediately got my cholesterol checked and found out mine was high too! In an attempt to avoid medications, I sought out solutions to lower my cholesterol naturally by diet and exercise.
Reducing Bad Cholesterol with Diet
Dieting is hard! If you have ever gone on a diet or tried to lose weight for a special event you know how difficult it can be In fact, the truth is that getting healthy is about 80% dependent on what you eat. So in order to avoid taking medications, I have began a slow transformation away from red meat which contains high amounts of cholesterol and fat. I also make sure I am getting at least one fruit and some veggies in my diet each day. As far as protein, instead of red meat, I eat more chicken, fish and protein shakes.
Liquid Nutrition
As I mentioned, I have begun to add protein shakes to my diet recently for several reasons. One, the more protein I take in the more full I feel, and am less likely to pig out on my next meal. To make this work, consume one protein shake an hour before lunch and/or dinner. This also helps curb my appetite between meals so I don't snack on bad foods like potato chips or candy.
There are a variety of protein shakes and meal replacement shakes on the market today but understand that not all of them are equal. You have to read the labels and make sure they are not high in sugar. Sometimes when the sugars are low, they replace it with extra fat and vice-versa. You also want to check out the source of the protein, because not all protein is created equal.
Secondly, you also want to try several shakes because you need to find one that tastes good. No matter how healthy it is, if you gag every time you drink it the chances of you sticking with it are slim.
In addition to protein, make sure the shake also contains a good dose of vitamins and minerals to help supplement your body with the good stuff it needs that we don't always get from eating. Other good items to look for are prebiotics and digestive enzymes, antioxidants and essential amino acids.
Lastly, be sure you know whats in the shake, read the label. If you begin to see lots of chemicals that you can't pronounce and added sugars and man-made ingredients, put it back on the shelf. Look for all natural ingredients that you can actually look up and find what the benefits are so that you are putting good things into your body; remember, our goal is to not put more medication into our body (think natural).
In order to reduce your LDL cholesterol, it all comes down to diet and nutrition. Since it is difficult to eat all the vitamins and minerals, I suggest drinking healthy protein shakes and meal replacement shakes to give your body the good stuff it craves. This way you can avoid having to take expensive medications and start live a healthier life.
If you are currently taking medication for high cholesterol, may I suggest trying Shakeology and see what it can do for you. Not only does it taste good, but it contains over 70 whole food ingredients with no added sugars.

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