Friday 4 November 2011

How To Create Tasty High Cholesterol Diet Recipes

Battling with your physical situation or a loved one's high cholesterol levels is easy with high cholesterol diet recipes that won't rob the joy out of food. Thanks to the increasing awareness of people to become more fit and healthy in order to avoid debilitating diseases, chefs and food lovers alike have whipped up easy-to-cook, low cholesterol meals that pack in a lot of flavor. If you are skeptical but want to become more healthy, you can actually incorporate key ingredients they use to your own recipes to lower your cholesterol. Here's a short and simple guide to become more healthy and eliminate saturated fat in a delicious way.
Adopting a heart-healthy lifestyle is now easier to achieve with the wealth of creative minds who sought to contribute in eliminating dangerous levels of cholesterol in our system. Science and the creative minds from the culinary world have taken notice of the prevailing disease of high cholesterol levels in people. In United States alone, an estimated half of the entire American population is suffering from high cholesterol. Heart disease is the number one cause of death in the United States. Diet recipes that are tasty and delicious and, more importantly, contain no saturated fats are now a must, not a mere option for most families.
Here's a list of key ingredients you should use in your diet recipes, to combat high cholesterol:
Garlic: Garlic contains allicin, which gives the garlic's distinct smell and is actually very good for your blood. Allicin helps in reducing your cholesterol, prevents blood clots, and helps your blood from becoming too sticky, which contributes to even more problems for high cholesterol sufferers. Experts advice a daily intake of a maximum of three cloves of fresh garlic for about two to six months.
Prunes: Prunes are packed with pectin, a soluble fiber which absorbs the cholesterol in your intestines even before it travels through your bloodstream. Use prunes generously on your fresh salad as substitute for other sweeteners in your high cholesterol diet recipes, and even just as a snack option for you or a loved one.
Fish and Chicken: Fish in particular is low in fat and packed with protein. The way you cook it makes a difference. Poultry should be skinless and removed of any visible fats. Pan-broiled, stir-fried (non-stick pan), baked, and roasted are the better option instead of the usual deep-frying methods. Regardless of your health, you should never eat fried foods, but especially if you have high cholesterol, no matter how good it tastes. Fish and most seafood are rich in healthy polyunsaturated fats. Omega-3 which helps lower the risks of heart disease in most people is found in some fatty fish such as trout and salmon. Instead of frying fish, you can poach, bake, broil, and steam it along with a fresh squeeze of lemon juice or your own choice of fresh herbs.
Other main ingredients you should stock up on for high cholesterol diet recipes are: whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and legumes. It is crucial that you eat a variety of foods. The more colorful and fresh it is due to the mix of vegetables and fruits, the better. Remember, the most powerful nutrition strategy you could make when it comes to high cholesterol, and diet recipes is to eat in moderation and choosing freshly cooked meals over processed fast food and junk foods.

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